GODencounters is a movement of young adults who are wholeheartedly seeking a 24/7 experience of GOD, recklessly living for His renown

April 14, 2008

40 Days of GODencounters

Seven years ago a handful of young adults began a journey, returning to the heart of worship. Coined GODencounters it was and still is their desire to see new generations wholeheartedly pursue a 24/7 experience of the living GOD. With thousands of young adults poised to gather throughout the country,
daring to deepen their intimacy with Christ,
recklessly living for His renown,
GODencounters begins as it has for the past 7 years--

inviting you to join us in 40 days of prayer and devotion.

Over the coming days find at the IGNITION blog and at the GODencounters website devotional entries to aid in your prayers and meditation on the theme-- Jubilee.

As we prepare for the GODencounters Conference, coming Memorial Day weekend to Central Florida, we are reminded that the Kingdom of GOD is a Party. We seek to experience the joy of the Living God in all that we are, in all that we do, and in all that say. We are learning to live a life of joyous celebration because of our Lord and Savior Jesusrejoicing and joining in His delight.

In addition to the Florida gathering, a GODencounters Conference will be held the following weekend in Tennessee, just outside of Chattanooga; a GODfest will come to San Luis Obispo the end of May.

The latter part of June will see GODencounters Conferences coming to Washington State, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.

Texas will soon reveal the GODencounters weekends slated to occur throughout the Lone Star state. So there are many gatherings to pray over, but as significant is our desire to pray over the transformation process GOD is working in young adult lives daily.

So we intend to pray with intensity over these days seeking to follow GOD's footsteps and joining Him in what He is doing.
We aim to give focus to GOD in these 40 days, continuing to be morphed into a reflection of Jesus.
We are ignited to disciple and be discipled.
And we are inviting YOU. Come and join us in these days of GODencounters.

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