WORD: "He came to Jesus by night and said to him, "Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God; for no one can do these signs that you do apart from the presence of God." - John 3:2
THOUGHT: One of my favorite toys growing up as a kid was the View Master. Maybe you remember this toy. It was this strange looking contraption that looked like demented binoculars. There was a slot in the top where you were supposed to put this cardboard wheel with mini-slides around the disc. Then you pulled down on the lever to advance the slides while peering through the lenses and you had your own private 3-D slide show--from cartoons and comic book heroes to tours of Africa. It was great!
We've all been given a View Master. Its called the life and teachings of Jesus. He came to show us how to live the Kingdom life. Nicodemus recognized Him as a teacher sent from God. More importantly Nicodemus recognized, as did many others, that what Jesus was teaching said a lot about how we are relate to God and one another. The Gospels continually refer to people being "amazed" by what they witnessed in the life and teachings of this simple man from a town called Nazareth.
Jesus is the ultimate View Master. He shows us how to live a life of connections--connections with God and people. One of the key things He taught us was how to worship. Worship for Jesus didn't just happen at the synagogue on Sabbath. But He lived a life of worship. It was state of being. It meant that He related to His Father and His brothers and sisters differently. True worship does that to you. It changes your perspective. So make sure you View the Master today.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, You are my teacher, may I learn from You today. Help me to see things through Your eyes. Change my perspective. May I View Your Life today and follow after Your ways and Your methods.
ENCOUNTER: What do you see when you View the Master? What are some things that He did that may change your perspective on living a life of worship vs. viewing worship as simply a once a week act (e.g., prayer, etc.)?
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