GODencounters is a movement of young adults who are wholeheartedly seeking a 24/7 experience of GOD, recklessly living for His renown

September 23, 2013

Celebrate Christ's Better Plans

Jesus and His disciples load up into their boat to take His message of hope to more people. During their trip, Jesus lays down to sleep while His disciples handle the boat. A storm approaches, building in intensity. Some of the disciples are experienced fishermen, which have surely handled their share of storms before, but nothing like this.

As the chaos of the storm multiplies it becomes too much for the men to cope with. In their panic, they realize that Jesus is still asleep and they awake Him, pleading for Jesus to save them all from the storm. Jesus is astonished at their lack of faith, but still calls out for silence. The elements obey and the lake becomes calm and peaceful. The disciples stand dumbfounded. They can't believe their eyes that Jesus has control over the storms of nature.

When you read this it seems quite odd. You have the disciples who are doing everything to survive and realize their efforts aren't enough. They reach out to Jesus and beg Him for His help and Jesus follows through and calms the storms. They are amazed that He followed through, but what were they expecting. Were they hoping for an extra person to bail the water over the side? Were they hoping He would help take down the sails or handle the rudder?

Jesus in His wisdom decided that their request for saving would mean the storm was removed. We often pray for little things from God, hoping to just get enough to cover this months bills, to be able to wake up in time to make it to class, for that one person at work to not nag me as much today so I can keep my emotions in check. Jesus has bigger plans for your redemption and when He follows through, don't stand their with your mouth hanging open, but praise Him because He knew exactly what you needed and provided a solution just for you.

- Thoughts from Mathew 8:23-27

encounter: What might be some larger ways you may believe in GOD? How has Jesus surprised you?

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