GODencounters is a movement of young adults who are wholeheartedly seeking a 24/7 experience of GOD, recklessly living for His renown

October 8, 2013

The End to Evil's Reign is Coming

I bet if I were to ask for a show of hands of how many people are tired of all the pain and suffering they witness each day there wouldn't be a lowered hand. Each day we're surrounded by destroyed relationships and disease to the point where we consider it second nature. It's a unique day to remember when you can find a little patch on Earth where there is only peace and joy present.

The devil has us figured out pretty well. He's had so many years of practice that it doesn't take much thought in recognizing our weak points. The challenge then for us is to know our own weaknesses and recognize the situations that will push those buttons. But we must not dwell on our weaknesses because those aren't the things that uplift our souls to Christ. By concentrating on something, it becomes the focus of your life and if you're always living in fear, how can Christ enter into your heart. His very knock would cast shivers down your spine and you'd run off into a corner, hoping He didn't hear you inside.

Today we need Christ in our lives. With billions of people the devil can mess with, it's not hard to start negative trends that test our faith in Christ. Each time we think we've found a place for a piece of the puzzle of our lives, the devil's hammer comes crashing down on the table and knocks things around. He does it on purpose, hoping that it will break our spirits, that we'll give up and give in to his temptations. But Christ is stronger than all the combined evil of the world. Existing long before a single atom of our universe was even created, He understands the pressures on our lives, He lived through them on Earth Himself.

Each day may be a challenge for you, but each success builds trust in our Lord. The devil may bang his hammer in your life, but more and more the pieces are coming together. We begin to recognize the complete picture of how all of this will play out and recognize that we have chosen the winning side. Each day may be an endurance test, but each victory from God brings courage to face the next challenge. When in doubt, seek out the voices that speak the words of strength from God. When you recognize that this world in its current state was never God's intention, you realize that our time here is only temporary and soon the faithful will return home to perfection. Remember the victories in your life so you can stand strong for His glory.

- Thoughts from Psalm 55

encounter: How do you see GOD working in your life amidst the challenges?

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