GODencounters is a movement of young adults who are wholeheartedly seeking a 24/7 experience of GOD, recklessly living for His renown

October 3, 2013

There's so Much More to Life

If your means of gaining power is to beat others down and stand on top of them, just remember that flesh decays; Your mountain will soon become a hill and then a pile of sand, blown away by the winds of time. There's a lot of truth to this, especially when you consider how much the phrase “15 minutes of fame” is thrown around or just the sheer number of public figures struggling to get your attention and maintain control. The problem with this approach is that in-order to maintain the power, more people must be crushed to sustain the pile.

You don't have to go far to see people trying to point out the flaws of others in order to make themselves look better. While society in general tends to appreciate a good scandal, the truth is that we also sometimes get tired of them as well because of their never-ending stream of one after another. We focus on pointing out somebody else's flaws, hoping that nobody will notice our own. But if your life is spent pointing out the flaws of others then you're concentrating on only the negative emotions, which means your mind and heart will only be focused on the lying, cheating, and slander.

Those that have seen the truth from God and opened their hearts to His Word don't focus on the negative emotions. For them, being at the top is merely a gift from God, given to those in whom He trusts the responsibility to. You don't have to be a famous public figure to make a difference in the life of someone else. You don't have to throw around riches like confetti to help rebuild the life of someone in need. All you need is the active love of God in your life.

When you accept Christ into you life, things change. Perspectives are made new. Eyes are opened to the reality that we're surrounded by people who just want to be loved, recognized as an individual instead of a number, and accepted for who they are. When we take the step to demonstrate God's love to somebody else, we take a bold step to be a part of God's rebuilding process. What a privilege God offers us. Pray that, today, God will use you to touch the life of someone else and show them there's so much more to life than the world has to offer.

- Thoughts from Psalm 52

encounter: Who is someone you might build up today? What will you do to bless their life?

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