GODencounters is a movement of young adults who are wholeheartedly seeking a 24/7 experience of GOD, recklessly living for His renown

January 22, 2007

Young Adults Shelf Christianity...Why?

Barna reports 61% of young adults discontinue being active in the church even if they were active as teens; Dudley suggests that over 50% of Adventist young adults leave the church in their twenties.

I would love to hear some of the reasons you think this is happening. Would even like to hear some examples you know of twenty-somethings leaving the church and why [even without their names].

Finally, would love to have your practical solutions/steps to remedy this situation, if it can be remedied.


Marcel said...

Leaving doesn't necessarily imply a negative connotation. I'd be interested to know what "leaving" means - removing their names from the books? Not attending Sabbath morning worship? Some may not leave the "church" at all, but just choose other spiritual practices to express their faith, i.e., house churches, community service, or other denominations (vibrant worship in Sunday churches).

The solution to keep young adults from leaving? Build up missional leaders to attract and retain people to want to become mission-minded and serve. Young adults still suffer from "what's in it for me?" They see church as a place to go atend events and programs that appeal to their seker-sensitive consumerism. When that gets old, they move on. Spiritual formation is the key to using the HS to change, grow and sanctify (Romans 6-8)

Thanks for starting this blog Allan. I'll check back often and will blog roll you.

a allan martin said...

If "missional" is part of the solution, it would be good for you to concisely define what that means in terms Adventist leaders can understand. And I would also be interested in what you feel would be practical steps towards the "building up" you mention.