GODencounters is a movement of young adults who are wholeheartedly seeking a 24/7 experience of GOD, recklessly living for His renown

September 27, 2013

Be Thankful for His Blessings

Praise be to God who prepares the way for us as individuals, as church communities, and as nations. Individually He looks after us because He loves all of His children. Each child is unique and brings joy to our proud Father. As church communities, He opens new opportunities, bringing in new people to fill needs as they arise, and providing guidance so that those who need to be reached and receive comfort cross paths.

God also supports those who place Him first. God wanted the Israelites to succeed, to be a blessed nation, and so time and time again He stepped in to ensure that threats were removed, that they were rescued when Israel had become surrounded, and to rejuvenate their passion for the living God. Surrounded by many idol worshiping nations left many temptations on their doorstep, but God stepped in to clear them out.

Worshiping the Lord with each success, Israel grew and multiplied. But as the saying goes, “with great power comes great responsibility”, the people needed to stay focused on God. When the success went to their heads, the nation started slipping away. When the celebrations became more about themselves and less about God is when things started going downhill.

The temptation of repeated success can begin a journey down the road of self-reliance. We start to say to ourselves, “I've got experience now. God has trained me well so I don't need Him anymore.” This is the path to our own destruction. Each victory, large or small, is a gift from God. Each step forward in the path He laid out is a blessing, straight from the throne of God. As we continue to glorify our Protector, others will be drawn in because it's not natural to not claim a victory as your own. Remember to always thank God for each day of life, for time with family and friends, for the opportunity to worship Him, and for any other blessings He's placed in your life. What an amazing God we serve, who trusts us with His gifts of love and asks so little in return. May His blessings continue to flow upon you.

- Thoughts from Psalm 47

encounter: What are today's victories where you can give GOD glory and appreciation? What are some areas of self-reliance you are willing to surrender and acknowledge GOD's power in your life?

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