GODencounters is a movement of young adults who are wholeheartedly seeking a 24/7 experience of GOD, recklessly living for His renown

September 26, 2013

Walking in God's Rhythm

When we trust in God, all things are possible. We can set our goals to be bigger than what we can accomplish on our own because we trust in His power to move mountains. We've seen God's work in our past and are amazed at what was achieved when we told God, “Not our abilities, but Yours.” The blessings of seeing God's work in action can drive us to continue a path of growth, but not always is this a path to continue on.

Starting a church can be a scary thing. Will there be enough people regularly attending to fill the seats and pay the bills? Will there be enough active members or will they slip in after a service starts and slip away during the closing song? When the core group is established, we want to grow our numbers, more is better, right? If I've got thirty people attending each week, maybe we can get to fifty and then a hundred. But sometimes, God's plan for you starting a church isn't about bringing in mass groups of people.

Church is about forming a connection to our Creator through coming together to study His Word. It's about opening up to our Lord and letting Him cleanse our hearts. It's about unlocking all of the doors so that God can perform a complete job within us. No area is off limits. But doing this requires trust in others to not reject us because of our past mistakes. Perhaps a group of thirty is enough to form a solid trust among the membership. Larger groups could cause those that need His change to sit in the back, never fully engaging in God's gift of redemption.

So celebrate the blessings that God has given you both now and in the past. Don't try to move faster than God because He has a purpose for you right now. There are goals that need to be accomplished so that as a group, you can all move forward with confidence and trust when the time is right. Be thankful for the tools you've been blessed with each day. Every tool, when used to it's full potential, will glorify God and His work in your life. Don't be discouraged when you use the successful plans of others and they don't produce the same results. Each of us has been uniquely designed and the blueprints God's laid out for us call us to our own path, specially created just for us. When we follow God's plan, we realize just how amazing His blessings are, perfectly balanced for us and our future.

- Thoughts from Psalm 44

encounter:  Are you most comfortable learning and sharing in a small group, one on one, in a large classroom setting, or some other formulation?  Where and how are you diving into the Word in the midst of community?

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