GODencounters is a movement of young adults who are wholeheartedly seeking a 24/7 experience of GOD, recklessly living for His renown

October 25, 2013

Where Do You Turn For Strength?

How many battles have you entered and felt unprepared? Whether it's a student in your class that wants to make themselves took better by putting you down or a neighbor that parties late into the night before your big presentation at work, each opportunity presents us with choices to make. Do we lean on our God given values, do we become tattletales in the sight of the world, or do we bottle up the frustration and pain until it explodes on some random person or even ourselves?

Each day can bring it's own set of challenges and it can feel like you're running out of tricks to use. You do your best to stay calm, to turn the other cheek, and walk away from fights, but each occurrence seems to bring you down a notch, closer and closer to the breaking point. We see so much today in the way of bullying and the recipients losing their will to go on. Where do we draw our strength from when we end up beaten and bruised? Do we seek healing and if so, from whom?

If we will take a chance and ask God to let us tap into His great resources He will provide. There are so many examples in the bible of people who were shunned by society, mocked and driven out by their own families, and yet they were able to stay strong, clinging onto the strength provided by God. Christ Himself drew strength from His Heavenly Father. Each struggle is a demonstration of how we can remain focused on Christ. Each one a reminder that this world isn't our home, but just a temporary stopping point on the way to Heaven and the New Earth.

Our God provides when asked, He knows your needs and already has the gifts lined up to send your way. Our God, our fortress of protection, will wrap you in His arms and reassure you that He's got you covered. His strength is more than enough to face your problems, His sword and shield obliterates your enemies. No longer can they touch or harm you in any way. Wrapped in His mighty arms He restores our confidence and reignites our passion. Life is so worth living again because we know that we're backed up by the most powerful One in the universe. So when you're struggling with life's battles, reach out to Christ, call out His name, and be ready to receive His gifts that will bring you through your challenges.

- Thoughts from Psalm 68

encounter: Where in your life today do you need some "extra" help from GOD?

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